We are never happier than when our team are furthering their careers and expanding on their skills. So we are absolutely delighted to share the news that our Operations Manager, Vicki Lee, has just completed her Level 5 Operations/Departmental Manager apprenticeship in which she gained her Level 5 Diploma in Management and Leadership, for which she was awarded a DISTINCTION! We could not be more proud and can’t wait to see what she decides to do next…
How did you feel when you heard you had got a distinction? Was it unexpected?
Absolutely over the moon! I had my fingers crossed for a pass, or even a merit, but when I logged into my learning portal and saw a distinction, I was so shocked and had to tell everyone!
Why did you decide to do the course?
I have always wanted to progress in my career and when speaking to my Director, Gordon about my personal and professional development he suggested taking a higher-level course then I had achieved in the past. I like a challenge!
How long did it take?
I had my induction for the course on 11th September 2019 and have just received my final results, so all in all it took nearly 2 years.
What did it involve? Can you give us a feel for the kind of work you had to submit?
I had to complete 8 written assignments, along with completing a portfolio covering all of the CMI standards and I had to cover 121 different criteria, completing a knowledge test, I had to create a work based project and present this to my assessor, before having a structured competency based interview and a professional discussion around my CPD activity.
Was it easier or harder than you expected?
Definitely harder than expected, but I think a lot of that was self-doubt and worrying that I would not pass each section of the course, but I think if you do not find something difficult you aren’t learning.
What did you enjoy about the course? Was there anything that surprised you?
I enjoyed getting to know more about the way in which organisations work and what goes on behind closed doors, compared to what you see in your everyday life at work. I think what surprised me the most is that I could do it! Every time I submitted an assignment or sat a test, I would panic that I wouldn’t have done well enough to pass!
Have you been applying what you have learnt in your day to day job? How will be qualified impact your day to day work?
I think I am applying it to my daily work without realising, I feel more confident in understanding how businesses work and what aspects I can help with to improve the organisation.
What do you hope to get out of having qualified?
It is great to have qualifications behind me, but more than anything it has given me more confidence to believe in myself and what I can achieve when I put my mind to it. Not only has it helped me develop professionally but personally too.
What next??
World domination! In all seriousness, passing the apprenticeship means I can now apply for Chartered manager status through the Chartered Management Institution. So watch this space…!