Here at Cavell Healthcare we are always on the lookout for new people to join our award-winning team of carers. We pride ourselves on our comprehensive in-house accredited training programme, so previous experience is not necessary to apply to be a carer with us. However, it does take a special person to do the job. So, we thought it might be helpful to give you a check-list of the kind of people we are looking for to join our team…
Most importantly we are looking for someone who genuinely cares. Someone who is compassionate and has empathy for others. This is a skill which we do not think can be taught, but we know that each and every one of our staff cares deeply about the clients we look after and we are looking for people who will share this sense of commitment.
When you consider that our carers are often the only people that many of our clients might see all day, it is vital that every single member of our team can be depended on to turn up for their shift and deliver their care calls. So being reliable and dependable is a key attribute for a carer.
Many people think being a carer is all about personal care, and that is, of course, some of the job, but it is so much more than that. There are light cleaning and tidying duties, cooking, shopping, dressing, monitoring medication, to name but a few of the extra support you might need to deliver during a care call. So you need to be practical and pragmatic in order to give the Cavell-standard service our clients have come to know and expect.
There are so many words we could have used but we think being friendly is key. Many of our clients view their carers as their friends, so it is important that you are able to be friendly at all times. Remember, if you are the only person the client sees in a day, a friendly smile and good humour during the visit is so important.
A Great Communicator
We’ve said it before and we will say it again, many of our clients depend on our carers as the only people they see all day. They may otherwise lead lonely lives with only themselves for company, so your visit will likely be the highlight of their day. It is important therefore to be a great communicator – talk when it’s needed and listen too! Every visit is a chance to bring joy into someone’s life.
If you think you tick these boxes and you are looking for a rewarding career, with great prospects and flexible working hours, then we would love to hear from you. Contact Victoria Lee on 01603 340 044 or email